Terms of Use

Altervista SARL
12 Chemin de la Croze
63122 Ceyrat – France
Capital social : 7 500 Euros
RCS : Clermont-Ferrand B 482 417 128
TVA intra : FR 47482417128
NAF : 7022Z


Newsletter Registration & reports

Note: Membership to this portal is public (open) and gives you access to privileged features – such as posting free Classified Ads or Job Postings yourself. All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

§1 Newsletter Registration

Our free newsletter provides regular news of our portal (news, events, announcements,…).
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§2 Data acquisition and storage of data

The use of any of our contact forms (e.g. workshop registration, webinar registration, newsletter registration, contact forms …) is considered as consent to the collection and storage of your contact details. If you want to cancel your consent or if you request information on your stored data, please send an e-mail to: